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Verity Walsh

PhD Candidate in Language and Literature
M.Phil., Cambridge University
B.A., Columbia University

Verity received her B.A. in Classics and English from Columbia University, where in her final year she wrote honors theses on Boethius’ use of the Phaedo in his Consolation of Philosophy and on the influence of Orphic and Platonic metaphysics on the 14th-century Middle English romance Sir Orfeo. After completing her undergraduate degree, she matriculated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where in 2016 she earned an M.Phil. in Medieval and Renaissance Literature and won a Griffiths Roman Prize for a dissertation on textual issues in the unique 15th-century Middle English translation of the Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem (Worcester, Cathedral Library, F. 172). She is now a first-year doctoral student on the Language and Literature track. 


She is interested in ancient theories of eschatology and cosmology (and, by extension, cosmographical and geographical writing more generally, especially as pertains to sacred space and the aesthetics of wonder); natural history (particularly ancient theories of and approaches to biosystematics, taxonomy, and scientific nomenclature, as well as the relation of these ideas to the medieval bestiary tradition and mirabilia genre); and ancient philosophy (especially Plato and Platonism). Additionally, she maintains a strong interest in classical reception, particularly within late-antique and medieval texts, and enjoys working closely with medieval manuscripts.


Fields of Interest

history of science, Natural History, Medieval reception of ancient philosophy and classical myth