CMEMS Workshop

The CMEMS Workshop exists to engage the interdisciplinary cohort of medieval and early modern scholars at Stanford in an ongoing discussion and collaboration.
The CMEMS lunchtime workshop was created by a group of scholars here at Stanford who wanted to gather to learn about and discuss a wide range of topics relevant to medieval and early modern studies. Visiting scholars join Stanford graduate students and faculty in sharing their work.
Join us in Pigott Hall (building 260), Room 252 on Wednesdays at 12:00pm for stimulating discussions and wonderful papers. The workshops will always run from 12:00 to 1:15pm, but we recommend getting to the room a few minutes early to get settled!
Our Winter 2025 Schedule has been finalized:
January 15: Bernardo Hinojosa (Stanford University): "A World in Motion: Physics, Rhetoric, and the Medieval Art of Description"
January 22: Margit Dahm (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): "Artificial Paradises: Relations of Nature and Culture in Courtly Novels"
January 29: Erica Morale (Stanford Humanities Center): "An Icon Made of Words: Petr Buslaev's Spiritual Vision"
February 12: Edward Loss (Università degli Studi di Genova): "Jewish Women and Notarial Deeds in Renaissance Bologna"
February 19: Vedran Sulovsky (University of Cambridge): "The Grand Institution? Understanding the Imperial Court Chapel of the Holy Roman Empire"
February 26: Maciej Mikuła (Uniwersytet Jagielloński): "Legal Traditions in Central and Eastern European Cities in the 14th–16th Centuries"
March 5: Giacomo Berchi (Stanford University): "Epic Paradise: Camões, Dante, and the Machine of the World"
To have your name added to our email list please write to our coordination team at cmemsinfo [at] (cmemsinfo[at]stanford[dot]edu).
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